creative ways to exercise outdoors

If you are looking for creative ways to exercise outdoors, Body by Buckner can help with fun and inventive ways to tone up and get fit.

Stairs-Get your heart rate up and climb those stairs. Once you’ve warmed up, Body By Buckner recommends that you take a couple of stairs at a time, as this will benefit your backside and your thighs.

Weight Walking-Walking is an excellent aerobic exercise, however, when you add some light weights to the mix, and you can boost your cardio. Vary your speed by slowing down and speeding up as you will burn more fat and calories.

Hiking-A brisk hike will build your glutes and your quads. Look for trails with a moderate to steep incline, as it will help boost your heart rate. If you are unsure where to go, join a local hiking club, or look for trail maps online.

Park Bench-You can easily strengthen your core by doing park bench dips and pushups. Sit down and with your palms upward, grip the edge of the bench before scooting off. This will leave your legs at the right angle. Lift your body with your triceps and repeat 15 times. You will see results in your quads and your triceps. Do regular pushups using the bench by extending your body into a plank. Keep your chest and your head inclined and your legs straight. Balance your toes and hands and push up before letting yourself down. Stay at a moderate pace and you will feel the burn.

Gardening-One of the most creative ways to exercise outdoors is pulling weeds, edging, mowing, raking leaves, trimming bushes and trimming trees. Not only will you work up a sweat, but you will also boost your heart rate. If you mow the lawn, do it quickly, which will increase your aerobic activity.

If you would like to learn more creative ways to exercise outdoors, call or click and schedule an appointment with Body By Buckner today.

Photo by Arielle Lewis Studios